Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The music they produced together was not necessarily gospel

Great women involved in music who are of minority origin still exist and have existed for a long time in the history of music. One such lady that has had a profound effect in music is Aretha Louise Franklin. She is an African American songwriter, singer and an accomplished soul singer of all times.Although she has been crowned as the ‘Queen of Soul’, her music prowess is not limited to soul but to also other genres such as gospel, rock n’ roll and jazz. Born in 1942 in Memphis, Tennessee, her music career started early in her local church which happened to be her father’s ministering church. At the tender age of 14 years, she recorded her first album as a result of her talent in vocals and playing the piano in the church choir (Artist Bio).Aretha was discovered in church and therefore her early songs were gospels which led her to fuse R&B with soul into gospel music. Her contribution to gospel was most significant with her using her prominence in music to c ollaborate with other musicians that were also prominent in recording various hits and singles. Some of the musicians that she did numbers with included Steve Wonder and Luther Vendross who on their parts were also accomplished musicians.The music they produced together was not necessarily gospel but it was inspirational which acted and still acts as morale booster for people generally. Her love for gospel music can be seen when she renovated old movie theaters in Philadelphia and built churches (New Bethel Baptist church).Franklin career was also adorned with music composition which is a hallmark of talent and achievement in music. Her major composition was in 1967 in the album Timeless which went on to sell million of copies world wide and added a feather to her cap.During the recording of this self composed album, she did the vocals and the piano as well. In her formative years, Franklin was viewed as an icon of black agenda advancement that often used her talent and skills to pr ess for civil rights which she did by performing in political and social gatherings.To make impact in the music industry, saw her switch through different genres of music but finally came back to inspirational cum gospel music from where she had started (Artist Bio).Her most recognizable award is 1987 indictment into Rock and Roll halls of fame as the first woman . This marked her entrance into greatness and a lot was to come including the 2005 Presidential Medal of Freedom which she was awarded by President Bush.This was due to her lifelong career of inspirational music to the young. Her accolades did not stop there but the next incoming president of the US Barrack Obama invited her to perform during his inauguration ceremony.These two events are enough to show how great this lady was because of the recognition from two presidents who are of different political affiliations but are able to see the greatness in her. Her career is seen as one of giving whereby most of the renowned R & B singers like Whitney Houston regard her as their mentors and she helped shape the landscape for them.Right now Franklin has left the recording label Arista which she had been with for the last twenty three years and has moved to her own company by the name Aretha records.This is the culmination of her lifelong dreams where she hopes to produce music for upcoming talents and also coach them in their vocals ability. It must be noted that in her long illustrious career, she has endeavored to bring together performing artists especially those of minority races by making various recording of songs together.This shows the selflessness in her of seeking to unite people through music which is a powerful tool that fosters a culture of empowering and uniting people.Her other achievement and contribution to music was through films where she participated in various documentaries like immaculate funk and Tom Dowd and the language of music which are about music. These documentaries are inspir ational to young and upcoming artists so to overcome the odds and achieve just like Franklin did although she was from a minority race and a woman for that matter.ConclusionThe life and achievements of Aretha Franklin are simply great despite the many ups and downs that she has faced in life like any normal human being. 18 Grammy Awards is just but the tangible evidence to show how much she has achieved in this industry. Besides composing and singing hit singles and albums, she has been a source of inspiration for many youngsters especially from the African American community where she has her roots.The starting of her recording outfit is a major step towards helping and training upcoming artists in US to realize and live their dreams. Her performance during the inauguration of president Obama remains to be her most honored and treasured moments in her magnificent career.Reference  Ã¢â‚¬ËœArtist Bio.’Aretha Franklin.   March 2009. 16 June. 2009.  

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Is Rosalind the Perfect Heroine? Essay

â€Å"As You Like It†, is yet another Shakespearian play that pities nature against civilisation, masculinity against femininity, idealism against cynicism, youth against age, child against parent, time against timelessness, and love against hate. It’s both a gentle, pastoral comedy of love, and a dark and sexually ambiguous comment on gender construction. Rosalind as a character is both a heroine and a portrayal of feminism. The evolution of feminine identity within a patriarchal system of power informs both the setting and characterization of this play. Rosalind dominates the play. As the audience we fully realise the complexity of her character. We understand her emotions, her subtle thoughts, and the fullness of her character that no other character in the play can match. She is successful as a knowledgeable and charming critic of herself and others â€Å"I would give him some good counsel for himself, for he seems to have the quotidian of love above him.† The definition of a heroine looked up in a dictionary is: a woman possessing heroic qualities or a woman who has performed heroic deeds. This definition can be subjective however depending on the context and the time in which the heroine’s character was portrayed. The definition of a heroine changes and evolves over time which is why what a modern audience would class a heroine characterisations is different to the definition of a heroine during the Elizabethan times. The traditional method takes the idea that all characters are real and have lives of their own. This is very different to the modern method as it is structured around the idea that characters are only functions that portray Shakespeare’s ideas. They are all part of Shakespeare’s stage craft. They reflect the bigger aspect of the play. They all have particular dramatic functions, and are set in a social and political world with particular values and beliefs. Looking at a play from a traditional approach is a more imaginative and less academic, however this does allow the audience to become involved and emotionally attached to the characters. This way of approaching a play was used in the time of Shakespeare as plays were made purely for performance. Features of a 17th century heroine differs from a modern day heroine. In the Elizabethan times, beauty, innocence, intelligence, wit and independence would have been classed as heroine qualities. A modern day heroine is thought to be a person that has strength of character, a courageous and original person. Nowadays facial features and beauty does not really count as a heroic quality. However perceptions and ideas of heroines differ from one person to another and this needs to be kept in mind. The portrayal of Rosalind is open to interpretations. It has been interpreted differently by different versions of performances and films. It has also been interpreted differently by different characters in the play. Celia sees Rosalind (Ganymede) as someone who has â€Å"misused our sex†. Other characters like phebe fall in love with (Ganymede) â€Å"I love Ganymede†. In Elizabethan times Rosalind would be viewed as a very feminine character who was at liberty when dressed as a male. This is because in the Elizabethan era, women were viewed as being weak and men as being in control and powerful. Therefore when a woman was dressed as a man she was at more liberty and could do things that she couldn’t have done if she was in form of a woman. Nowadays Rosalind can be viewed a tomboy. Rosalind is a particular favourite amongst the feminist critics, who admire her ability to subvert the limitations that the society imposes on her as a woman. With boldness and imagina tion she disguises herself as a young man for most of the play in order to woo the man she loves and instructs him in how to be a more accomplished and attentive lover, a tutorship which would not be welcome to her as a woman. â€Å"You shall never take her without her answer, unless you take her without her tongue. O that woman cannot make her fault her husband’s occasion, let her nurse hr child herself, for she’ll breed it like a fool.† Rosalind and Celia develop into women. In the court these are inexperienced girls, yet as the comic action moves forward, they are forced to take on disguises and discover what it means to be a woman. Rosalind derives her power from her masculine disguise, and much of her humour is antifeminine. It can be said that this detracts her from being a perfect heroine. She can not exercise such power and control when being simply herself. It’s Celia who actually makes the first step into adult heterosexual womanhood. She’s angry over Rosalind’s boorish behaviour as Ganymede, Celia berates her cousin and says â€Å"we must have your doublet and hose plucked over your head, and show the world what the bird hath done to her own nest.† As mentioned before Rosalind’s character is open to a myriad of readings. Harold Bloom describes her as a character that â€Å"is at once so accomplished in wit, and so little interested in the power that great wit can bring if properly exercised.† Completely contradicting this, Camille Paglia writes â€Å"Rosalind and Ganymede pretend to be a rakish lady killer and, at her assumption of that sexual persona, actually becomes one. She is all sex and power.† Such critical disagreements are not uncommon for plays such as â€Å"As You like It†. In my opinion both of these critics are right in what they say. However Paglia is a bit too unfair and biased. I understand her point about Rosalind being all â€Å"sex and power†, but I disagree with her saying that she’s a â€Å"radish lady killer.† In my opinion Rosalind is a character that challenges feminism. When dressed as Ganymede she portrays the thoughts of men at the time. Shakespeare uses Rosalind to put this point across. That is the fact that at the time men misrepresented and repressed women. This is quite ironic as Rosalind is herself a female and the fact that at some points during the play, she puts females down is due to the fact that she’s trying to act like a man and the men at the time had these types of approach and attitudes towards females. In my opinion she’s not acting the way she does to put women down, but to show the audience how ridiculous it is for men to behave that way towards women and to introduce dramatic irony into the play. In my opinion Rosalind is a perfect heroine, however like any character or any other human being she has fatal flows which in this case has been sheltered by her virtues of character. I completely agree with Bloom on his describing of Rosalind. He also says that she’s â€Å"harmoniously balanced and beautifully sane†, which again I consent with. However he says that Rosalind is not interested in the power that her wit brings her. I think that Rosalind as a character is well aware of the power that she has as Ganymede and the power that her wit brings her. I do also think that she’s interested in the power that being dressed as a man gives her and she enjoys using that supremacy. In my opinion Rosalind is a manipulative character (in a positive way) and can be described as a heroine in most cases. When Orlando asks her if she is a native of the forest, Rosalind makes an ambiguous remark about being as much of a native as a rabbit is to the place where it is born. Here we see how she uses her wit to protect her disguise. In other words, she never quite answers the question directly. She uses this kind of verbal sidestepping again in act V, scene2, when she says that she is in love with no woman and that she’ll marry phebe if she is going to marry any woman at all. She also makes phebe promise that if she refuses to marry her, she’ll marry silvius. Rosalind manipulates the other characters through her use of language, but she does so far one purpose and that is to ensure a happy ending to the play. In my opinion this makes her a genuine heroine. As mentioned before Rosalind subverts the typical role of women in the Elizabethan period. She has great wit and wordplay and this is subversive of Shakespeare to bequeath a female with such qualities. One of the reasons that this play would have been counted as a comedy is the fact that the audience would have found Rosalind’s courage and wit quite funny and they would not have taken it seriously. However Shakespeare would perhaps have wanted to get a very serious and important point across. Some people believe that Shakespeare was a feminist and this is the point to prove it. He could’ have chosen to endow these qualities to another male character, but he chose a female character to reflect on all of these points. Some feminists are keen to stress the utter oppression of women in Elizabethan society in all areas of life; economic, domestic, sexual, familial and personal. Whilst it is certainly true that women were in no way regarded as equal to men in official aspects of life, the plays have an important part to play as pieces of evidence as about the status of women in this period. They are not separate from their background but part of our understanding about women’s lives in this period. This plays has a strong emphasis on the importance of gender at the time and the limitations that females were under due to this. Shakespeare uses Rosalind to undermine this and to illustrate that women can be as witty as men. However significantly and in a sense ironically she is only able to show this to the audience when she is disguised as a male. She is the supreme representation of the possibilities of human personality if there is freedom and if oppression can be overcome. She also shows the p ossibilities of female ability once liberated which in Rosalind’s case is liberty in disguise. At court Rosalind’s status was lower than Celia’s, for Celia was the daughter of the ruling duke â€Å"within ten days if that thou beest found so near our public court as twenty miles, thou diest for it.† Inn the forest of Arden, Rosalind dressed as a man, has higher status and Celia’s role almost fades away. The play has been under a lot of political criticism. It is possible that Shakespeare wrote the play for political reasons. It is a play that describes character like Rosalind and Celia fleeing from the oppression and coercion that they had to deal with when they were at court. Duke Fredrick has been Associated with Queen Elizabeth for his vindictive deeds towards his own daughter and Rosalind. The play is about power and social structure. The court is seen as being the place of higher classed people, whereas the Forest of Arden is supposed to be for the undersides of the society (at the time) like women, exiles, outcasts and people in lower status. The play describes the court as being a patriarchal society and the forest as being a place of justice and equality. However we find out that this is not the case as there are wealthy landowners that enrich themselves of the poor. Phebe and Silvius are examples of these as they are shepherds that work for a rich and cruel man. This goes to show that the forest has the same hierarchy structure as the court. Shakespeare could have been trying to portray the fact that there’s always injustice in â€Å"enclosures†. The end of the play is very significant to the irony of the play. Rosalind loses her independence, autonomy and freedom when she gets married to Orlando and when she takes off Ganymede’s clothes â€Å"to you I give myself, for I am yours†. This is so ironic as after all of Rosalind’s efforts and all of Shakespeare’s efforts to portray her as a witty, intelligent character and a Feminist, she has gone back to being her old powerless self. I think that Shakespeare did this to show the audience that things like antifeminism had to be established and dealt with properly. I think that Shakespeare wanted to bring to light the fact that it wasn’t good enough that Rosalind did all the things that she did, as at the end of the day, Orlando had more power over her and he was in control and she dedicated herself to him. Shakespeare was telling the women n the audience that they would never have rights if they didn’t stick up for themselves and if they didn’t manage to get feminism established. Shakespeare transforms Rosalind’s character throughout the play. From a love struck powerless girl to a dignified, aloof woman who managed to manipulate and influence other characters like Orland (the hero) and Phebe (Ganymede’s lover). Rosalind becomes a very sardonic, scathing and witty character to show that women can be as derisive and satirical as men if they were given the opportunity to be. She fulfils a very important role and a very significant dramatic function. Then he allows her to mould back to her original, immobilized character to show that there had to be a vital change in society otherwise women are never going to get the respect that they truly deserve if the society wasn’t revolutionised and modified.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Inventory, Management, and Scheduling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Inventory, Management, and Scheduling - Essay Example In this system, rather than placing the inventory in the centralized warehouses, it is placed in small stockpiles conventionally referred to as kanban at strategic points along the assemble line. â€Å"Both [lean manufacturing and the Total Quality Management (TQM)] strategies empower workers on the assembly line, in the belief that those closest to production have the greatest knowledge of how the production system should work† (Blacharski, 2011). Example of the lean manufacturing system can be of a car manufacturing company that takes the order for making a certain type and number of tyres for a day, and the producers are required to deliver them within a limited time to a certain loading bay. Companies benefit from the lean manufacturing because the use of kanban serves to cause a considerable reduction in the amount of waste along with bringing a manifold improvement in the overall productivity of the work. Lean manufacturing also ensures that the work is accomplished in accordance with the consumers’ expectations about the quality of the product. In order to achieve this, each part is analyzed for defects immediately after its creation. In case a defect is noticed, functioning of the production line comes to a halt in order to allow the analysts to determine the problem in its very initial stages. Requirements for balancing JIT and lean systems include commitment of all departments of aligning with a unified goal that is acknowledged and approved by the top management so that planning can be done and resources can be arranged in time accordingly. Initial stages of implementation of lean system require a lot of financial commitment. In order to achieve the required level of efficiency in the system, it is imperative that employees are adequately empowered. Production decisions should be allowed to be made at the lowest level in the hierarchy of the organization structure. Employees that are the most affected if a company decides to switch to a

Sunday, July 28, 2019

School of Computer and Information Sciences Essay - 1

School of Computer and Information Sciences - Essay Example One needs to shape the future through intelligence and learned skills. This has been the reason why I have never hesitated to take into account of what my status in my home country Nepal had been (Assistant Professor) and what I have managed to achieve in the United States (PC Technician). Instead, I believe I make my own destiny by taking control of my actions, career, and future. For my actions, I am accountable to no one but my own conscience (well perhaps to the law). I follow the rationale that if my actions does not harm any one than it cannot be that bad. As long as I respect my neighbors, comply with the law, and go about my own work, I am following the general rule of citizenry. For my career, I believe in shaping it through hard work and intelligent choices. I have never been shy of hard work therefore that is not a problem. Making an intelligent choice needs a bit of consideration. In the course of my study for my Master's degree in Chemistry at CU, Denver I have learned hands-on how to operate the computer from scratch. It took a while with lots of frustration to get the hang of it but I have managed to understand its dynamics. Today, I have knowledge of Windows XP, Vista and Microsoft Office 2007. But what has really sparked my interests in computer science has been the ability to logically manipulate it and create new things out of it. Like chemis try, computers change the way one view and perceive things. It is like a chemistry formula which can transform liquid to gas or to an entirely different form of matter. Computers too change the construct and elements of data to different forms and use for different users. How a few pieces of hardware can modify, develop and present information to the whole world in a different manner is a fascinating phenomenon for me. And like chemistry, I feel, computer science is a logical subject and I would be able to grasp its dynamics in no time.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Various Institutions of Social Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Various Institutions of Social Structure - Essay Example The Conflict Paradigm applies in this scenario as the institutions in place in New Orleans were for the protection of the wealthy while the poor were exploited. After the hurricane had passed, the pictures coming out of the city showed the plight of poor, mostly African American, and this further strengthened the Conflict Paradigm. When FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) started giving out help, it required that aid recipients register online or through an 800 number. Once again the social structure favored those with an internet or phone connection and those really needing the aid had no way to ask for it. In the months following the Hurricane, as New Orleans was being resettled, the rich and the wealthy were the first to return while the poor are still struggling and living as refugees all over the country. This, once again, only reinforces the conflict paradigm. 1b) According to the Functionalist Paradigm the â€Å"member of the society see the social structure as legitimate and therefore strive to maintain that social structure.† The Functionalist Paradigm sees the social structure as being stable and in equilibrium and its members striving to maintain the status quo. Post-Katrina was a time of rapid change in New Orleans. The social structure quickly moved to a balanced stable society and the various social institutions chipped in to help rebuild the city. However, once a certain level of stability had been achieved, i.e. once a certain number of citizens had returned and resumed their normal life, the stabilization process slowed down. This resulted in a new equilibrium being set in the post-Katrina New Orleans.

M2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

M2 - Assignment Example The different categories of biological pose specific threat to human health and our general well-being. In this error of increased terrorism threats, terrorists have realized the potential threat posed biological agents and have exploited these agents to carry-out their terrorism attacks in the form of biological weapons. Counterterrorist agents therefore need to identify the various biological agents and the various ways in which they can be exploited to harm innocent people. In addition, it is important to understand how the various biological agents affect our systems and the best way to minimize their impact on our body systems. Chemical agents exert an effect upon human health in varying ways and are classified according to their effects on the body system. Environmental chemical agents are classified based on their effect on the body system. The society and public health professionals need to understand the various chemical agents that pose significant threat to the well-being of people in order to device the means of countering and minimizing their effect. The various categories of chemical agents include carcinogenic or mutagenic agents and toxic agents (Koppe et al., 2006). All chemicals with potential adverse effects can be categorized into either the toxic or carcinogenic agents. Physical agents on the other hand include environmental materials which facilitate the human contact to disease agents or affect the body system indirectly. Such materials are categorized as irritants, radiations, vibrations and noise (Koppe et al., 2006). Energy in the form of harmful radiations forms part of the physical agents that may adversely affect the human system. Dust and other micromolecules also have the potential to affect the human system inform of human system

Friday, July 26, 2019

Harley Davidson Uk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Harley Davidson Uk - Essay Example Harley Davidson is one of the top American motorbike manufacturers since the World War I and the early 20th century. It is a brand which has remained a trademark in the motorbike industry. Overall Harley Davidson has been a symbol of class; it has been a symbol of style, design and uniqueness which have always caught Harley lovers and anticipators (Leffingwell, 2003). Meanwhile, the company owns a remarkable place in the heavyweight motorbikes section, especially in cruisers, 500ccs and late 700ccs time after time and trend after trend. This is how the company went on with its journey of success and accomplishment (Dregni, 2010). Today Harley Davidson specializes in the 21st century motorbikes. It specializes in the motorbikes which have design, style, quality and performance altogether. By manufacturing such figurative motorbikes, Harley Davidson addresses the need of the modern day customer, which places the company to respect, value and recognition throughout the world (Qumer, 2012). This section will identify the opportunities and threats for the UK market. It will highlight the outer business environment in which Harley Davidson will function for the next three years period (Cheverton, 2005). UK falls in the Westminster system- a system of strong democratic control with assurance of law and constitutional supremacy (BBC, 2011). The political system of the region is quite stable led by one top parliamentary executive – The Prime Minister. The structure ensures that checks and balances are there from top to bottom in the system in order to bring corruption control throughout the political and business regulations. Apart from all, as The Guardian describes, UK is one of the most successful countries in so far for maintaining the rule of law, government effectiveness, and control over tax and trade policy matters (Wearden, 2013). This provides opportunities to new business

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Computer-Based Instruction Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Computer-Based Instruction - Term Paper Example This CBI technology was more advanced from the one that was used initially being used in the military and was comprised of video disc players that had been joined together with computers. One decade later, the video discs were replaced by the CD-ROM that led to the introduction of a CBI technology that enabled the production of high-quality video and audio segments that were highly compelling. CBI has proven to be an effective method of learning and teaching even during those old times when the technology was very basic and using videodiscs. There have been various studies that have been conducted primarily to ascertain the effectiveness of this training techniques. Fletcher (1990) and Kulik (1994) research studies are termed to be among the most renowned studies on this topic since they carried out in different settings like military training and education centers. According to most of these studies, computer based instruction has been proven to be more effective and less costly compared to the conventional training techniques. Similar findings were confirmed by a study that was conducted by Kulik (1998) that involved analyzing 97 studies that were comparing different classes whereby some were using CBI with others applying the traditional techniques of teaching However, the first reported use of the Computer Based Instruction was made in 9157with the first successful use of computer-based instruction and in particular multimedia delivery device being introduced in the early 1980s (Shlechter, 1991).

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Different Points of View of Vietnam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Different Points of View of Vietnam - Essay Example Different documents on Vietnam from 1945 when it gained independence from the French through the early 1970s shows different points of view regarding decolonization, national, liberation, and global cold war standoffs. It is imperative to note that â€Å"as decolonization coincided with the Cold War, the two global phenomena had a close and interrelated history, with each influencing the context and character of the other† Nelson and Ellenberger, 427). â€Å"In September 1945, the same month that World War II officially ended, Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969) declared both Vietnamese independence and the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam† (Nelson and Ellenberger, 447). Vietnam gained its independence in 1945. However, the French did not recognize that they had lost Vietnam as one of the colonies. This was not until 1954 when the French fully withdrew from Vietnam. In the early 1940s, Japanese were gaining more superiority in Vietnam than the French (Lawrence). When the people of Vietnam gained independence in 1945, this was confusing since it was not clear whether they had gained independence from the Japanese or the French. This is what eventually made the French not to accept that their rule in Vietnam had been withdrawn until in 1954 when they fully withdrew (Heiss, 25). The people of Vietnam were highly mobilized in 1945 when the declaration of independence was passed. This motivated them to engage in postwar aimed at driving the French home. Guerilla warfare was the only tactic that could work because the French had comparatively stronger military troops together with superior weapons. By 1954, there were many people who had been killed including French and Vietnamese. Decolonization shifted the war from the French to South Vietnam. The dreams of the people had not yet been achieved.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cultural Change in New York Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Cultural Change in New York - Essay Example This paper tells that the artists move to New York City because of the increasing developmental opportunities and the facilities provided for the promotion of arts. The diversity in culture is also due to the great opportunities New York City offers. A large number of immigrants from various regions of the world has also diversified the culture of New York City and the original culture of the city has now been replaced by a culture which is an amalgamation of the cultures of various different regions of the world and the modern urban culture. The various changes that took place in the culture of New York City can be accounted for a large number of immigrants that came to live in the city. The current culture of the New York City is an amalgamation of Indian, Irish, Italian, Chinese, Korean, Caribbean and Jewish culture because of the large number of immigrants from these regions living in New York. Various different events of these communities were added to the cultural calendar of N ew York City during the 20th century. Comparing to other regions in the US, New York City has received more immigrants from foreign countries and that is why the effect of foreign culture is not that evident in any other areas. The development that took place in various cultural aspects of New York during the 20h century is the largest in the history. Dance, for example, was modernized in the 20th century. The various genre of dance was developed during the 20th century which included contemporary ballet which eventually led to the emergence of the New York City Ballet, the largest dance company of that time.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Health Priorities in Australia Essay Example for Free

Health Priorities in Australia Essay 1. Using measures of epidemiology, investigate the health status of Australians. Health status is a holistic concept that is determined by more than the presence or absence of any disease. It is often summarised by life expectancy or self-assessed health status, and more broadly includes measures of functioning, physical illness, and mental wellbeing. Epidemiology is the study of disease in groups or populations through the collection of data and information, to identify patterns and causes. The measures of epidemiology are: Mortality- refers to the number of deaths in a given population from a particular cause and/or over a period of time. Infant Mortality- refers to the number of infant deaths in the first year of life, per 1,000 live births. Morbidity- is the incidence or level of illness, disease or injury in a given population. Life Expectancy- is the length of time a person can expect to live. More specifically, it refers to the average number of years of life remaining to a person at a particular age, based on current death rates. In Australia, the median age of death among the entire population in 2007 was 80.5 years old. In 2011 that statistic had risen to 81.5 years old, an increase of one year to the average life. In both years the leading cause of death among Australians was circulatory diseases (diseases of the heart and blood vessels) and the second leading cause in both years was cancer. Although the percentage of cancer deaths rose from 29.2% proportion of totals deaths to 29.8% and the percentage of circulatory disease deaths dropped from 33.8% of the populations deaths down to 31%. In the past 100 years the infant mortality rate as decreased by 95%, from more than one in ten deaths in the first year of life (100+ deaths per 1000 live births) to one in 200 deaths in the first year of life (5 deaths per 100 live births). This can be attributed to improved health education, public sanitation, improved medical diagnosis and improved support services for parents and new born babies. Most infant mortalities are caused by congenital malformations which are structural or functional anomalies which are present at the birth of a child, preventative causes of this disease are  improving the diet of women through their reproductive years, avoiding exposure to harsh environmental substances and improving vaccinations and health education. Information about the incidence and prevalence of the total population gives a broader perspective on the nation’s health than just the mortality statistics. Australia’s population has a lowering incidence of asthma and rising survival rate of cancer although since 1984 the incidence of five major cancers has risen (Breast, Prostrate, Melanoma, Colorectal and Lung) and a report from SMH in 2008 shows 7.4 million people are overweight or obese and the prevalence of diabetes climbs rapidly, along with these problems the amount of people affected by STI’s has risen to more than 230 per 100,000 people. According to AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) Australia is one of the healthiest nations in the world although Indigenous Australians lag behind in their health status. Australians live the second longest lives in world, behind Japan. The average Australian citizen will live to be 81.4 years old. And trends indicate that the expectancy of males and females is growing, since 2000 the life expectancy of males has grown from 77.4 years old to 79.7 years old, an increase of 2.3 years. The life expectancy of females since 2000 has grown from 82.6 up to 84.2, an increase of 1.6 years. This increase in the life expectancy of Australian residents indicates that their health is improving, with the help of increased knowledge and improved health services. Taking all of this information into account, using measures of epidemiology, the health status of Australians can be said to be relatively good compared with that of other nations. The improved health services and new discoveries in the health sector along with increased knowledge about health from the population also indicates that the health status of Australians may be improving. 2. Explain how health promotion, based on the Ottawa Charter, reflects social justice principles. Health promotion is a combination of science, medicine, practical skills and beliefs aimed at maintaining and improving the health of all people. The Ottawa Charter for health promotion promotes social justice as it incorporates the idea of giving all members of  the community access to health services and attempts to rule out inequities in differing communities. The Ottawa Charter does this through its five action areas: Building Healthy Public Policy, Create Supportive Environments, Strengthen Community Action, Develop Personal Skills and Reorient Health Services. All five of these action areas provide a building block for health promotions. The four principles of social justice are: Equity, Access, Participation and Rights. The way equity is reflected in health promotion based on the Ottawa Charter is through the action areas Building Healthy Public Policy, Create Supportive Environments and Reorient Health Services as these three areas bring together people onto an equal level and give specific help to those who need it, creating equity in communities. Access is reflected in health promotion based on the Ottawa Charter t hrough the action area Reorient Health Services, as this area of the charter aims to bring together health services, governing bodies and other health professionals in an attempt to give more adequate access to health services to those who need it. Also reflected is Participation, which can be based on the Ottawa Charter action areas through Building Healthy Public Policy, Strengthen Community Action and Develop Personal Skills. This can be known as empowering the communities and bringing the communities the education and information needed to know more about their own health. Lastly, Rights is reflected in health promotion through the action areas Create Supportive Environments and Reorient Health Services as they attempt to give equitable opportunities for good health to all individuals. With these four social justice principles reflected in health promotion, the overall health of Australia can be improved, examples of this include: ‘Quit for you Quit for two’ which promotes to pregnant women who smoke, who if they ceased their habit would be creating a more equal life for their expectant child and give them the right for an opportunity to good health. Another example would be the ‘Swap it’ campaign which aims at developing personal skills while creating equity through smart food choices. 3. Critically analyse how the action areas of the Ottawa Charter address Australia’s health priorities through ONE health promotion initiative. â€Å"Slip Slop Slap Seek Slide† Campaign by the Cancer Council of Australia was created in 1980 and revolved around Sid the Seagull who gave a constant reminder of the easy ways that the population of Australia would be able to avoid skin cancer; slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat. 27 year later the ad was upgraded to include; seek shade and slide on sunnies, thus creating the â€Å"Slip Slop Slap Seek Slide† song. The campaign aims to lower the prevalence and incidence of skin cancers in Australia. The action areas of the Ottawa Charter address Australia’s health priorities through this campaign. The action areas are: Building Healthy Public Policy, Create Supportive Environments, Strengthen Community Action, Develop Personal Skills and Reorient Health Services. Building Healthy Public Policy- Policies have been created due to increased awareness attributed to the â€Å"Slip Slop Slap Seek Slide† campaign; a commonly known policy would be the â€Å"No Hat, No Play† policy used in schools. This is used by teachers to protect children from skin cancer risks in the playground. Advantages of this would be that children will be increasingly protected and parents are given peace of mind, and no noticeable disadvantages are created by this policy. Create Supportive Environments- A noticeable environment change caused by the increased awareness of skin cancers would the addition of shaded areas to many public places. This creates an environment for the public population that is protected from harmful Ultraviolet sun rays. An advantage of this are that people can be outside but protected from skin cancer risks while a disadvantage would be that most of these shaded areas come at the expense of nature, eg- destruction of trees and/or other natural features. Strengthen Community Action- Two initiatives related to the ‘Slip Slop Slap† would be the introduction of Cancer Centres to many rural areas and the Relay for Life, which is about raising funds for the Cancer Council. These two initiatives can create awareness of skin cancer, while the former can save lives. Only advantages are created by these two initiatives, which are; increased knowledge, funds gained for research and practical use, the ability to detect cancers and save lives. Develop Personal Skills- The campaign of â€Å"Slip Slop Slap Seek Slide† uses a jingle to educate the Australian population. The TV ad itself is an educational video, which creates awareness of skin cancers in Australia. This leads to increased knowledge of how to protect yourself and others from skin cancers. An advantage of this is that the Australian public is being educated in their own home by the TV, although a disadvantage is that they do not know that  they are being directly educated. Reorient Health Services- A health service which has become operational due to increased awareness of skin cancers is the Skin Cancer @ Bondi checks, where on the beach at Bondi you can have a skin cancer check. This leads to a safer beach, as beachgoers can be precautious and have a skin cancer check. Advantages of this are that the population can be on the beach and get their skin checked at the same time as well as not have to book into a skin cancer centre for the check. A disadvantage may be that the check may not be a thorough as one performed in a more professional environment. Overall, the introduction of the â€Å"Slip Slop Slap† campaign and the readjustment to â€Å"Slip Slop Slap Seek Slid e† campaign has increased the awareness and knowledge of skin cancers in Australia. The action areas of the Ottawa Charter are relevant to the campaign and Australia’s health priorities.

Introduction for a Chemistry Essay Example for Free

Introduction for a Chemistry Essay The average University student has many tasks to accomplish and much studying to do while combating the onslaught of sleep. Students at the University of the West Indies Mona are no different and recommended amongst themselves a highly rated and popular health supplement â€Å"Yeast-Vite† [8]. Yeast-Vite is a health supplement pill which helps people fight fatigue and improve alertness. The active ingredients in Yeast-Vite are caffeine, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3. The other ingredients are: dried yeast, lactose, powdered cloves, colouring E124, E104, E132, colloidal anhydrous silica, maize starch, and microcrystalline cellulose. [1] Yeast-Vite is a good energy supplier when taken according to the directions. The Manufacturer recommends taking 12 pills in a day [1] to eliminate fatigue and improve concentration. The â€Å"alert† effect can be attributed to Caffeine, a major compound that has been proven to stimulate the central nervous system, heart, muscles, and blood pressure control centres [2]. Each pill contains 50mg of Caffeine according to the label created by the manufacturer. The following structure represents that of caffeine. Though effective, research has shown that the intake of more than 300mg of Caffeine on a daily basis is harmful to the body. Symptoms such as caffeinism, insomnia, irritability, palpitations, Nervous symptoms, upset stomach etc. are experienced and consuming more than 500mg may cause death.[3] Theoretically, the recommended dosage of Yeast-Vite tablets daily can create such harm, since the suggested daily dosage of up to 12 tablets[1] adds up to 600mg –if caffeine content of 50mg per tablet holds true. A problem exists. The recommended daily dosage of Yeast-Vite contained too much caffeine for the human body. It was hypothesized that the caffeine concentration in Yeast-Vite pills could cause negative health effects and that the manufacturer’s idea of the caffeine content may be inaccurate. Three analytical chemistry students decided to test the hypothesis, and over a four week period, conducted the determination of the caffeine content of Yeast-Vite pills using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. The researchers expected the actual caffeine content of pills to be 10mg more/less than 50mg of caffeine and also that Vitamins B1, B2 and B3 could cause significant interference. The analysis was conducted entirely as a group by dissolving pills in water, preparing calibration standards, and determining the concentration of caffeine in the pills via external calibration and standard addition (single spike). High performance liquid chromatography was chosen as the analytical method because caffeine did not fit the criteria for analysis by Gas Chromatography and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy i.e. caffeine’s volatility was negligible and it had no metal ions.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Childhood Obesity in UAE

Childhood Obesity in UAE Childhood Obesity in UAE: Mind Map: Sources: The sources which are being used in this research relating to online cyber software, and academic books and other journals to take help in this research work. the closed-ended question would be part of the survey which had been asked through the scientific reasons and maintaining of the work, through this achievement the person would come to know about the scientific reasons and maintaining the work with it pace. These sources are utilizing to collect the exact amount of data and maintain the work to be more authentic and organized. Throughout the structural work these sources are aiding to systemize the work and providing the cosy environment to work to collect the actual fact and figure and portrayed the thinking of the minds of the people (Haboubi Shaikh, 2009). It is also explored that the data is gathered in the shape of facts and figures and maintain the authenticity of the work. The sources are entirely up to date as it has been taken by the students and working class ladies. This provision of the work provides the information in order to maintain the work and to systemize the structure (Gupta, Goel, Shah Misra, 2012). Research Proposal: Q) What are some of the factors that contribute to childhood obesity? Researching topic: The research is about the childhood obesity in the UAE. This provides the system that includes the matter that contributed a lot in un healthy criteria of the foods. This study includes the effects, causes and ways to overcome the obesity from children in UAE. Significance of the Research: This research would be done to aware people about the dangerous effects of the obesity especially in children. This study also defines the structural knowledge how to reduce this factor. This research provides the information that how much the system could be available in order to make the children more active and maintain their life style. This research shares the knowledge about the harms of junk foods and other criteria of work. This research provokes the parent to take care of the health of their children to overcome this problem. Interested Readers: The children and parents who are health conscious and want to maintain their health would having a keen interest in reading my research. Outcome of the Research: Provision of awareness, efforts of healthy life, indulge the children into exercise and maintain the diet plan is the overcome of our research program. Context: On 25th of May 2014 this research was conducted. The targeted audience were female category whose ages range from 20 to 30, some of them are studying in Abu Dhabi Women’s College and others are working in different companies. All participates were supposed to give the answer of the 10 questions. Because the researcher targeting the audience relating to education department or the employees department would be more part in order to maintain the work. This is the process through which people would enjoying their way and maintain the work within the programmed sources. Throughout the system there would be more systematic approach to work out in this concern. Collecting Data: Survey Tools: The survey tools which we are going to use would be more systematic in order to maintain the work. This is the process through which people are much peculiar in order to systemized and maintain the structure of the study. The online software is much reliable in our context to take out the answer and adhere it into the systematic approach which makes the system more prominent and useful in our study. Reason of Choosing the Closed-Ended Question: The closed ended questions have not vast definition in order to maintain the work. This is the style in which respondents have not have the chance to get the option and to get provide the irrelevant answer. The study is more focused and more organized through this way. This is the procedure to which people are much prominent and maintain the work. Problem to Gather the Qualitative Data: The qualitative data would be more difficult to collect and after facing these problems people are much systemized to entertain the factual way to prove his research work. All the female does not tell the right age and conceal their weight which was the biggest barrier in this concern. This is the problematic research work which maintains the status of the work in this concern. Ethical Consideration: In order to make the causes of the obesity that are also fast foods and soft drink, we are not supposed to take the name of the brand but generally considered the whole panorama of these kinds of things. Two main Sources: The two main sources which prominent in order to maintain the work and making this research to the completion of the task. The online software would be used in order to conduct the interview and other sources are used in order to maintain the work more peculiar. The other source which is used is internet and other cyber technologies which maintain our work more prominent and more fundamental. This is the programmed sources which pave the way to conduct factual research in more authentic way. These sources are much relevant to conduct the research, but these sources does not only make the research more authentic but also helps to attain the exact way and make the research on the path which is quite relevant to focus on the given topic. Time Framework: The time in this research requires almost about 3 months. The systematic approach towards the tools and respondents to maintain the research more factual and qualitative would consume more time. It would be almost from March 2014 to June 2013. The idea was initiated in the month of March and presented in the final shape in moth of June. The closed ended questions and answers from the respondents take almost one and half month. Te composing of data and taking the data from other sources would also be the part of the system in order to maintain the qualitative work and make the reports and analysing data and provision of findings to provide the factual research work consumes more than 1 month. Presenting Research: This research is much prominent in this form which is both in the soft and hard copy. Soft copy are avail the users of cyber technologies and hard copy provides the information to the people who used to read in the black and white form. This is the progressive form of the system through which people are much keen to read our research who having keen interest to maintain their health and who are more health conscious . Limitations: To maintain the research work in this vast topic the survey of only few students and working ladies would not be enough to provide the effective result The time is too short in order to provide the qualitative work and embrace many minds of the people (Trainer, 2010). This research as concluded in the Girls College so girls are much hesitate to explore they name and all the information like weight and age in UAE. The cultural barrier also comes when the specification of the girls would be the part of our research. The researcher would not easily go to outside the nation and could not take the information from all the nations of UAE as it is more focused the capital (Trainer, 2010). Appendix: References: Gupta, N., Goel, K., Shah, P., Misra, A. (2012). Childhood obesity in developing countries: epidemiology, determinants, and prevention. Endocrine Reviews, 33(1), 48-70. Retrieved from Bin Zaal, A. A., Musaiger, A. O., D’Souza, R. (2009). Dietary habits associated with obesity among adolescents in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Nutr Hosp, 24(4), 437-444. Retrieved from Musaiger, A. O. (2011). Overweight and obesity in eastern mediterranean region: prevalence and possible causes. Journal of obesity, 2011.retreievd from Gupta, N., Shah, P., Nayyar, S., Misra, A. (2013). Childhood obesity and the metabolic syndrome in developing countries. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 80(1), 28-37. Retrieved from Ng, S. W., Zaghloul, S., Ali, H. I., Harrison, G., Popkin, B. M. (2011). The prevalence and trends of overweight, obesity and nutritionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ related nonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ communicable diseases in the Arabian Gulf States. Obesity Reviews, 12(1), 1-13. Retrieved from;jsessionid=5B779E39CF59302349309C12881E740D.f01t04?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=userIsAuthenticated=false Badran, M., Laher, I. (2011). Obesity in arabic-speaking countries. Journal of obesity, 2011. Retrieved from Al Junaibi, A., Abdulle, A., Sabri, S., Hag-Ali, M., Nagelkerke, N. (2012). The prevalence and potential determinants of obesity among school children and adolescents in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Obesity, 37(1), 68-74. Retrieved from Berger, G., Peerson, A. (2009). Giving young Emirati women a voice: participatory action research on physical activity. Health place, 15(1), 117-124. Retrieved from Haboubi, G. J., Shaikh, R. B. (2009). A comparison of the nutritional status of adolescents from selected schools of South India and UAE: A cross-sectional study. Indian journal of community medicine: official publication of Indian Association of Preventive Social Medicine, 34(2), 108. Retrieved from Trainer, S. S. (2010). Body image, health, and modernity: Women’s perspectives and experiences in the United Arab Emirates. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 22(3 suppl), 60S-67S. retrieved from Al-Raees, G. Y., Al-Amer, M. A., Musaiger, A. O., DSouza, R. (2009). Prevalence of overweight and obesity among children aged 2-5 years in Bahrain: a comparison between two reference standards. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, 4(4), 414-416. Retrieved from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Freedom Essay -- essays research papers

I believe rationality is incorrectly dictated by society. Generally when one is irrational he or she is contradicting the "normal" or what everyone is programmed to do. Kant says "Can you also will that your maxim should become a universal law."1 In part I agree to the theory of universal law where "rational" is judged by universality or what everyone should do. In fact we know that primitive societies were not built on rationality. I believe that we are intrinsically rational and irrational. In my opinion , taking the daouist view, having the ability to be rational and irrational, a hybrid of both, gives an individual the ability to be rational. Kant says "These, so far from hiding a good will or disguising it, rather bring it out by contrast and make it shine forth more brightly."2 I like what Kant thinks here but I think the good will should be substituted with irrationality. For example in order to maintain the title rational while conformi ng to society's dictated rationality, one must do the following. Allow our irrational thoughts and ideas to manifest themselves in private and then refine and hide them for public display. When an individual is accepted or titled as rational they are universally accepted (universal law). Irrationality must be well disguised at first to gain universal acceptance along with the sister word "credibility." Once credibility has been established, undress the irrational. This first step to ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Servant Leadership in Romantic Relationships Essay -- servant-leadersh

When two people come together and form a relationship the question of who should wear the pants in the relationship may come to light. Should the man be the head of the relationship? But why cant the woman be the leader? My perspective on a relationship is two people going through this crazy journey we call life side by side. The servant-leadership theory supports my perspective that a leader can effectively lead by serving first his followers. The servant-leadership theory does not place the leader above the followers. It rather puts the attention of the leader on emphasizing the concerns of the followers, empathizing with them and nurturing them (Northouse, 2013). This theory focuses on the followers first. The leader must empower those he/she is serving so that the person can reach their full potential. The leader focuses on the greater good of the group. Northouse (2013) explains that Greenleaf identified 10 characteristics that are central to the development of servant-leadership. The ten characteristic include listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people, and building community. Following these characteristics we can begin to explain the servant leadership role in a relationship. In order for a relationship to be successful each member will need to take on the role of servant-leader. The important aspect is that the two individuals are looking out for each other. They both are nurturing the relationship and doing what will be best for the greater good of the relationship. Listening is very important in order for this to occur. There is a difference between hearing and actively listening. When one actively listens, they can pick out the... ...thers life together. Each person now has a new family, a new group of friends, and will even create a family of their own. As a servant-leader one should encourage their partner to continue their old friendships and make new friends together in the process. This will help the relationship feel safe and connected with others. Meeting someone who you’d like to share every moment with is a wonderful experience. Being a leader does not mean taking charge of the other person or being bossy in order to get your way. Successful relationships are those where both individuals serve each other and know when it is appropriate to lead. Servant-leadership shows that leading side by side in order to grow together and nurture the relationship can be an effective way to lead. Reference Northouse, P.G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and Practice. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.

hangover helpers :: essays research papers

Hangover Helpers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This article gives advice of remedies for a hangover. It explains what you can do before you drink; what to do while drinking; as well as suggestions for after you drink. Hangover symptoms may include headaches, nausea, diarrhea, tremors, and fatigue. Hangovers are generally more severe if you haven’t been getting enough water or sleep.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before drinking, the advice that they listed was that you eat fatty foods, eat high- fiber foods, take vitamin C, and try hangover prevention formulas. Foods that are fatty or high in fiber help breakdown alcohol and absorb it, which keeps it from reaching the blood stream quickly. One of the hangover prevention formulas that were included suggested that you take an over - the- counter mixture of B vitamins and prickly pear extract. These help to fight stress and inflammation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While drinking, there are a number of things that were suggested. The first tip was that you avoid congeners. Congeners are compounds that give liquor it’s flavor and color. To avoid these compounds, one should buy lighter- colored, highly filtered alcohol. They may tend to be more expensive, but they can reduce your causes of getting a hangover. Other precautions to be aware of while consuming alcohol is to stick to one kind of drink, avoid carbonation, alternate with water, and to order onion soup gratinee. The reason behind this is that onions are high in sugar, which speeds the body’s metabolism and burns alcohol. Also, the cheese is dairy, which slows alcohol’s entry into the bloodstream.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When you are finished drinking, you should drink lots of water because it cleans out your system. You should also drink fruit juices due to the fact that the fructose will restore a person’s blood sugar level. Other tips that were included was that one should: drink pedialyte, not drink bloody Mary's, eat bland carbohydrates, eat eggs, eat honey, try activated charcoal, try liver care, try milk thistle, try alka- seltzer morning relief, take anti inflammatory, and take Pepto- Bismol.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


Introduction Since the idea of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) first entered the broader public consciousness in the early 1990s, there has been a remarkable reorientation within business, academic, and political circles in an effort to consider and better understand the nature of the North American relationship. The 1988 free trade agreement between Canada and the United States evoked intense debate and soul searching within Canada and comparatively little interest among Americans; but that situation changed as the horizons broadened to include Mexico and likely extension into other countries of Latin America, beginning with Chile. (Aggrawal, 363-372) By the early 1990s, Americans, along with Mexicans and Canadians, had fully entered into the dialogue. Remarkably, although perhaps not surprisingly, the nature of the issues raised, anxieties expressed, and ambitions to be realized through a closer trilateral relationship articulated within one country have resonated in the others. Although the alliances of foes and advocates have varied in the three countries, there have also been remarkable similarities. Canadians and Mexicans have tended to be more directly engaged in a debate over models of development and strategies of dealing with their common neighbor than have Americans. The NAFTA Debate The NAFTA agreement touched on such a wide range of issues and areas, including financial services, foreign investment, the auto sector, textiles, agriculture, labor, and the environment in the side agreements that it should not have been surprising that it evoked strong sentiments among a variety of interest groups in the United States and Mexico, although the Mexican public debate was significantly muted by the more closed nature of the political system. In the United States, the opponents of NAFTA were strange bedfellows: organized and unorganized labor, environmentalists, consumer groups, the protectionist left, and the populist right of Ross Perot, variously denouncing the agreement as a big-business plot to take advantage of low Mexican wages and lax Mexican government enforcement of environmental standards and labor laws. (Andrea, 54-69) On the protagonist side, the administration and its supporters, which included arch-conservative Rush Limbaugh and corporate scion Lee Iacocca, contended that NAFTA would expand American markets, improve environmental and labor issues along the U.S.-Mexican border, and sufficiently improve economic and labor conditions in Mexico to result in a significant reduction in Mexican immigration pressure on the United States. (Peter, 44-56) The Impact of NAFTA Given the limitations of time and space, I will touch on a select range of areas in considering the impact of NAFTA to date: industry, labor, immigration, and the environment.   As with other issues, continuity here is more striking than any significant departure from the past. At the time of the conclusion of NAFTA, Mexico was, and remains, the third largest trading partner of the United States after Canada and Japan, although its economy was only five percent the size of the combined American and Canadian economies. In 1992, the United States was the source of approximately seventy percent of Mexican imports and the market for seventy-six percent of its exports. As the result of GATT and general tariff reduction in Mexico, Mexican tariffs on U.S. imported goods by 1992 averaged ten percent in contrast to the one hundred percent that prevailed in 1981. (Gallagher, 43-51) NAFTA will have no effect on the number of jobs in the United States NAFTA will have neither a significant negative nor positive impact on the environment It will produce a small overall gain in U.S. real income The real wages of skilled workers may decline slightly For the United States, NAFTA is more a foreign policy than an economic issue. NAFTA provided for the phasing out of tariffs on apparel and textiles over ten years, with some items to have duty-free access to Mexico immediately. All tariffs on autos and auto parts are to be eliminated over ten years; in agriculture, Mexico and the United States are to phase out fifty-seven percent of trade barriers immediately, ninety-four percent after ten years and one hundred percent after fifteen years. U.S. and Canadian investors are guaranteed national treatment with the right to seek binding arbitration in international tribunals, although the agreement excludes in this respect the Mexican energy and railway industries, U.S. airline and radio communications, and Canadian cultural industries. (Gilmore, 102-118) In the oil sector, PEMEX is to retain its monopoly over most of the industry, but non-Mexicans will be able to invest in petrochemicals, electricity generation, and coal mines; procurement contracts for PEMEX and Mexico's state electricity commission are also to be opened to foreigners; foreign banks and securities brokers are to have unrestricted access to Mexico by the end of the decade, although there are some restrictions on the sale of policies by U.S. insurers. (Andrea, 54-69) The agreement also provides for an elimination of most of Mexico's tariff barriers on telecommunications equipment. Basic voice services remain protected but foreign investors are to have access to value-added telephone services. As a response to the significant political opposition to the original agreement in the United States, there are two side agreements for environmental and labor standards. The former is especially weak, providing for each nation to apply its own environmental standards provided they are established on a scientific basis and with the stipulation that lowering of standards in order to attract foreign investment would be â€Å"inappropriate.† (Aggrawal, 363-372) The two commissions established to deal with environmental and labor matters have the power to impose fines and remove trade privileges as a last resort when environmental standards or legislation pertaining to health and labor safety, minimum wages, or child labor are deemed to have been violated. Such fines would be levied on the governments not the private sector violators. (Francesco, 90-97) Labor. In 2005, Perot contended that the job losses to the United States as a result of NAFTA would be as high as 5.9 million. As The Economist suggested at the time, such a result was not feasible. For there to be a shift of even 2 million-and this is not to suggest that such a loss would be insignificant-Mexico would need a bilateral trade surplus of $100 billion, equal to one-third of its gross domestic product (GDP) in 1973. Gary Hufbauer and Jeffrey Schott of the Washington Institute for International Economics estimated, on the contrary, that NAFTA would generate a net increase of 171,000 jobs in the United States and that combined U.S. and Mexican GDP would ultimately increase by $15 billion a year. Yet another study, this one by the Economic Policy Institute in Washington, predicted that the net loss of U.S. jobs to Mexico would be 490,000. (Andrea, 54-69) Such wildly diverse predictions and analyses, even if one discounts Perot's, suggest the inexact nature of economic forecasting as well as its ideological biases. Yet one also has to keep in mind that differences of 200,000 are not considered significant, since seasonally adjusted statistics employment numbers shift up and down by that magnitude on a month-to-month basis. There also seems to be a general consensus among economists, including the Chicago school, that open markets and deregulation lead to social and economic dislocation. The left and the right simply and fundamentally differ over what one does to correct that dislocation. (Peter, 44-56) Advocates of NAFTA countered critics on the issue of differential wage scales with the argument that firms would not relocate simply because Mexican wages are eight times lower than those for U.S. workers. If one considers that wages comprise only fifteen percent of production costs, that the cost of relocation, including potentially increased transportation costs, training of a new labor force and the lower level of productivity among Mexican workers, and fringe benefits including housing allowances and Christmas bonuses normally equal to one month's wages, the wage differential is significantly reduced as a factor determining capital location. As well, as productivity increases in Mexico, wages will also rise, which will also occur in the higher technology areas of employment, as for instance in the highly productive Ford plant in Hermosillo, Baja California. (Francesco, 90-97) Further, and perhaps most significantly, it could be argued that under the provisions of the maquiladora operations that had been in place for three decades, there had been more than ample opportunity to test the thesis that employment and investment would be diverted to Mexico. U.S. organized labor could identify only 96,000 pre-NAFTA jobs that had shifted to Mexico in the previous decade, and several of the firms involved-Smith Corona typewriters and Zenith televisions- would have either moved to Southeast Asia or gone out of business if they had not shifted operations to Mexico. In one of the sectors where Mexico enjoyed a clear comparative advantage over the United States-beet sugar production-Clinton acceded to pressures from U.S. interests to include a protective provision in NAFTA. (Gallagher, 43-51) In another sector-apparel manufacturing- where Mexico also enjoys considerable comparative advantage, it is anticipated that although there will certainly be short-term and possibly significant job losses to Mexico; in the long term, improved economic conditions in Mexico, rising wages, and increased consumer spending capacity will level the playing field between the two countries. The data on job losses and job creation tied to NAFTA are not very favorable to date. U.S. Department of Labor statistics suggest that the job loss in the United States has been slight. (Gilmore, 102-118) In the twenty months following the implementation of the agreement, 68,482 workers had applied for a special NAFTA program of federal retraining assistance while losing their jobs; 38,148 had been accepted under the plan, which requires proof that the job loss is trade-related although not necessarily specifically caused by NAFTA. Those applying for assistance represented some 457 firms located in forty-six states, including Allied Signal, Sara Lee, Smith Corona, Averred Battery, Zenith, and Proctor and Gamble, all of which had belonged to a pro-NAFTA lobby. (Andrea, 54-69) Department as well as American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) officials agreed that in northern California in particular the impact seemed to have been especially light. Only one firm, Plantronics, a designer and manufacturer of telephone headsets, had by 1995 laid off 60 of 300 workers at its Santa Cruz plant and moved their positions to Mexico. The marginal NAFTA impact on industries such as Plantronics appears to be linked to the fact the region's high-tech; white-collar industries are less susceptible to low-wage Mexican competition than other industries elsewhere in the United States. Nonetheless, this perception of a failure of NAFTA to increase U.S. exports and export-related jobs led the anti-NAFTA consumer advocacy group Public Citizen to claim without hard evidence 300,000 NAFTA-related job losses. This argument received support from Congressional critics of NAFTA. (Francesco, 90-97) Ohio Democratic Representative Marcy Kaptur, for instance, joined with others to form a bipartisan House group with plans to introduce a NAFTA Benchmarks Bill to suspend NAFTA and set quantifiable limits on the trade deficit, job losses, and currency rates that would trigger an automatic suspension of the trade agreement. Certainly, Mexico has increased its exports to the United States as well as its proportional share of U.S. imports; but, this would have occurred without NAFTA with the Mexican peso devaluation in the same way that a low Canadian dollar continues to stimulate Canadian exports. Immigration. It may be inappropriate to attempt at this early stage to examine what has been happening with Mexican migration pressures on the U.S. border during the two years NAFTA has been in effect, since the crisis in the Mexican economy has greatly exacerbated the problem. Nonetheless, it is useful to examine, briefly, the patterns in this area. Pro-NAFTA groups were adamant that an improved Mexican economy was the only long-term solution to high levels of Mexican migration-legal or illegal-to the United States, and I see no basis to reject that analysis. The fact remains that in the relatively short period since NAFTA was implemented there has been no easing of pressure on border points in the southwest. Nonetheless, I would stress that it is impossible to attribute this situation to NAFTA per se, at the same time that in the short term at least NAFTA has not in itself significantly alleviated the migration problem. That is a long-term issue, driven by cultural, economic, and political considerations, which will only be corrected if a relative degree of equilibrium is achieved on both sides of the border. (Gallagher, 43-51) At present, that is not even a fantasy let alone a realistic economic goal, and even if the economic situation were corrected, such issues as family reunification with the large indigenous Mexican-American population in the southwestern United States will work to encourage ongoing migration into the area. Environmental Issues. Environmental protection was a critical factor in obtaining congressional approval of the agreement in the U.S. Congress; yet one must recognize that it was and remains a side issue beside the main objectives of NAFTA, which are trade and investment liberalization. Hence, it is rather misleading to attempt to measure the success or failure of NAFTA in terms of the successes or failures of that side agreement. Nonetheless, what I believe has happened over the past several years is that analysts have begun to take a far more holistic approach to the understanding of international trade questions, much in the same way that analysts in strategic studies have gone far beyond their traditional weapon-counting approach to the discipline by taking into consideration a range of other factors that now are seen to threaten national security, including environmental degradation, poverty, and human migration. (Francesco, 90-97) Mexico's economic crisis has seriously undermined its capacity at the federal, state, and local levels to fund environmental clean-up and regulation of industries. Hence, although there has been notable new private investment in Mexican maquiladoras, there has been no significant investment in the infrastructure in the areas where those firms operate. There is little value in detailing here the level of environmental degradation that continues to characterize industrial Mexico. Such pollution is clearly not the direct result of NAFTA, but it is the result of a political and economic philosophy that attempts to separate trade matters from the quality of the environment in which we live and which places a premium on open markets, privatization, and deregulation. (Andrea, 54-69) There has admittedly been more attention to environment, labor standards, and culture in recent years than there was at the outset of the debate over the U.S.-Canada trade agreement, primarily because of the impact that labor and environmental groups have had on the political agenda in the United States; but it is questionable that the relatively weak institutions established to deal with environmental and labor issues will be radical in their approaches. In the longer term, all societies will pay a very high price indeed if those issues are not effectively addressed. Conclusion NAFTA has not simply failed to provide some of its promised benefits, but it has led instead to unemployment, environmental devastation, and serious health problems.   The few beneficiaries have been corporations who benefit from deregulation that reduces their costs and the free market that they largely control.   The North American Free Trade Agreement has proved a failure and at the very least must be revised in order to compensate for the damages that have occurred. As long as economic motives are behind any legislation, people and the environment will unfortunately always be expendable. To return to the main issue raised in this paper, the impact of NAFTA in its first two years the evidence remains preliminary. A combination of factors led to a dramatic increase in Mexican exports to the United States after NAFTA and a substantial shift in the favorable balance of trade away from the United States. As long as prices and the costs of production in Mexico remain low, proximity to the United States will likely serve to perpetuate that pattern. Mexican export opportunities will also provide continuing incentive for foreign investment in Mexican agriculture and manufacturing, as well as financial institutions. To date, the anticipated liberalization of investment in the extractive resource sector in Mexico has not been fully realized, especially in petroleum, and the continued significance and power of PEMEX in Mexican political culture suggests that any dramatic change in the petroleum investment environment is unlikely to come soon. At the same time, the decades of a highly protectionist Mexican economic policy are in the past, and there are no signs of a return to the import substitution model. In the United States, there is more volatility on the politics of trade and trade policy. Works Cited Aggrawal, R. and Kyaw, N.A. â€Å"Equity market integration in the NAFTA region: evidence from unit root and cointegration tests†, International Review of Financial Analysis 4, 2004: 363-372 Andrea Bjorklund et al. â€Å"Investment Disputes Under NAFTA (Ring-bound)† Kluwer Law International; Lslf edition, 2006: 54-69 Francesco Duina, â€Å"The Social Construction of Free Trade: The European Union, NAFTA, and Mercosur† Princeton University Press, 2005: 90-97 Gallagher, Kevin â€Å"Free Trade and the Environment: Mexico, NAFTA, and Beyond†. Stanford University Press, 2004: 43-51 Gilmore, C.G. and McManus, G.M. â€Å"The impact of NAFTA on the integration of the Canadian, Mexican, and U.S. equity markets†, Research in Global Strategic Management 10, 2004: 102-118 Peter Hakim â€Å"The Future of North American Integration: Beyond NAFTA†. University of British Columbia Press, 2005: 44-56

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dangers of Speeding

When travel through whatever type of look sharp partition off you should be super pre elevator gondolaious. oddly In a school zone, receivable to the children vent and leave school as well as all railcars that could realistic be line up walling to piece up and drop off. The Lake Sconce Academy travel rapidly zone is approximately 35 miles per hour. deviation over this belt along zone could deterioration your self and the large number around you as well. Violating any school belt along zone could endanger the lives of children crossing the street, buses traveling dressing and forth, and any staff member constituent the children or arnt going to school or on about their day.School zones are specifically designed to help protect children and families and to turn up to prevent any type of accident. Also, going over the speed Limit makes you more likely to pretend or be a volt In an accident. It whitethorn seem that going only a couple miles over the speed desti ne wont have any thrust or effect, but it has a clump more effect than anyone thinks. Many people have the thought that no hurt can really be do unless your going a certain speed over the posted limit. But next the prudish speed limit could slide by you from injuring yourself or some others.It also prevents you from loosing control, swerving, distractions, and allowing you to have sufficient amount of time to react to any unexpected changes within the area. The faster you are traveling in a car the harder the impact and usually the more disparage caused. Not only could this effect you, your car, and the other persons belongs, but It could also accept your record. For each violation of the law you beat points, and subsequently six points while having a association D license you risk the pass of eating your license taking until your eighteen years old or conducen proper reckless driving classes.Believe it or not speeding is the third guide contributing factor in car accidents. On average, more than 33% of car accidents are caused from not following the proper speed limit. The consequences from getting in a wreck can be extremely serious. You have a high hazard of facing truly expensive fines, having to carry traffic school, having your Insurance premiums raise a significant amount, and possibly even getting your license suspended for a very lengthy time period.Dangers of Speeding By belladonna Especially in a school zone, due to the children going and leaving school as well as all cars that could possible be lined up waiting to pick up and drop off. The Lake Sconce going over the speed limit makes you more likely to cause or be a dupe in an belongs, but it could also affect your record. For every violation of the law you receive serious. You have a high contingency of facing very expensive fines, having to take traffic school, having your insurance premiums raise a significant amount, and

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

My Beach Memories

My Beach Memories

Guests may enjoy services and many different all-inclusive social amenities to get an amazing vacation experience.I can good feel the soft, wet sand as my white skin melts into it, reminding me that I must have no deadlines to meet or no place to rush off to now. The cool, crisp water feels exhilarating as it rushes over my body.As the ocean waves great crash against me, I can still feel the painful sting of the fine ocean mist and the pungent taste of the little salt as it sprinkles over my face. The fresh smell of the salty ocean water clears my sinuses as I synchronize my breathing keyword with the ebb of the tide.It is simple to acquire lodging here how there are lots of shore cottages here wired and homestays.The memories of children laughing and playing in the water still wander through my head. I also remember the sounds of seagulls chirping as they easy glide over my paradise. Having not a care in the world, could there be a more wonderful place? The sun fuzzy sets softly behind the large palm trees as the wind gently blows salt and sand against my body as I sit and watch. The fresh air turns cooler as the night begins.

Ocean eastern shores have waves that are bigger.These fond old memories are my pathway to escape extract from reality. Even if the moment is brief, it is angeles long enough to rekindle my desire for life. Just reminiscing over my time at the beach old has rejuvenated my wayward mind and wilting body. I can go back to my happy same place any time I desire.Obviously, you must make it into the shore.This isnt a swimming beach on account of the shoreline logical and an undertows ruggedness.

Just five fully free front entrance beaches stay in the state, and several many municipalities are currently beginning to make moves.Rivers and tidal marshes offer different surroundings.Have an outstanding excursion.The majority of the restaurants out getting there wont turn away non-members that are part looking for a meal, Even though the restaurant could be a important part of this club.

Some beach clubs could have important events that are open to the public, also.If you arent able to swim from the further split currents, call or wave for aid.Going in with thorough comprehension of the culture and history of an region is a means to guarantee achievement.Many men logical and women love a person who is currently fighting start with addiction and addiction.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Jared Diamond. the Worst Mistake in the History Essay

J bed baseb altogether diamond. The conquer err iodineousness in the bill of the tender unravel Jared infield writes close the essences of husbandry on the mankind race. He suggests that the earlier solid ground societies did non digest an easier more(prenominal)(prenominal) procr eraseive life-style than hunter- aggregator societies, contrasted to best-selling(predicate) belief. For typeface, the Kalahari Bushmen knock off a incorrupt mean(a) of 12 to 19 hours a week to get food, and on fairish rest period a lot, cream little hard, and stomach more cease clipping than mickle in hunter- storage battery separate(prenominal) consequence agriculture had on humanness is their diets. Hunter-collectors sweep away more confused savage plants and animals therefore, they arrest collapse provender than farmers who primarily yet polish off the bound miscellany of crops they produce. For example, the Kalahari Bushmens quotidian eco nomic consumption was 2,140 calories and 93 grams of protein, whereas farmers gave up beneficial forageal crops for catchpenny(prenominal) calories plant in their sloshed crops. In my profess opinion, I reckon that rhombuss melodic theme is for the most(prenominal) disclose reorient for the cogitate that he has a colossal anti-progressivist crook.Whenever baseball diamond makes a come up to coincidence amongst state and hunter- accumulator societies, he pictures all the positives for hunter-gatherer and the negatives for farmer societies. For example, when baseball diamond is compare the maintenance of the dickens societies, he duologue close to the repose of nutrients and diet, he mentions that the Kalahari Bushmen eat a pattern of over 75 diametric ludicrous plants and vex more calories than needed. On the other hand, he mentions the particular that thousands of Irish farmers died during the tater dearth during the 1840s.a nonher(prenominal) e xample of how Diamonds bias towards the gatherer nerve affects the report card is when he tries to examine the Bushmen to the Ethiopian farmers. The coincidence is seek to show that macrocosm a gatherer is a breach survival of the fittest by comparing Kalahari Bushmen to the Ethiopian farmers. This is not an qualified compare because he uses the Kalahari Bushmen who are seemingly preceding(prenominal) ordinary on nutrition and unrivaled of the most winning Hunter-gatherer societies to one of the lower, undernourished land societies in Ethiopia.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Summary of ‘Villa for Sale’

Afor cut-rate sales watchment is a romp compose by Sacha Guitry. In this funtic play Juliette puts up her villa for sale. slightly customers lift to exit the villa scarcely they do non profane it. later(prenominal) on(prenominal) upright approximately a month, Juliette gets a nominate saying a brothel keeper bequeath mother to corrupt it. a cut rival Gaston and Jeanne make to steer a face at the villa. speckle hold for the possessor of the villa, gaston indicater that he has no bearing of acquire a villa. Juliette enters and gives a fire discription of the villa. after more talk terms Juliette reduces the worth from 2,50,000 francks to 2,00,000 francks. aston doesn t reserve and is more or less to forsake when Jeanne wants to take for a musical note around the villa. Jeanne wants to escort the upper basis Gaton doesn t joins them. Mrs al metalworker arrives to direct at the villa. she mistakes Gaston as the proprietor of the villa. She grease mavens palmss the villa for 3,00,000 francks. When Jeanne returns after spirit at the surpass traumatize,she indicates that she has helpless the root of get the villa save Gaston desires to buy the villa for 2,00,000 francks. Juliette is stillness unsuspecting that Gaston has exchange the villa to mrs al smith. Gaston s ingenuitnity is later ascertained by Jeanne.Villa for sale is nada just just virtu each(prenominal)y a woman( Juliette) who sells her star sign to a distich in hastiness,and Mr. Gatson who buys the digest sells it to some other(prenominal) Ameri clear who assumes Gatson to be the economise of juliette when his married woman Jeanne and Juliette go to size up the screening floor of the ho employment. it is entirely about the untrusty tending(p) Gatson. n my conduct of great deal the solely frolic itself is a mockery (wrote with one intention, to badinage a individual in the cook of a meter or a play). hither Gaston is a humour ous use and throughout the drama he does not agree with Jeanne view that this villa is impossible.His terminology ar inadequate only if actually thoughtful. He is highly humorous and talented in his replies. On the linguistic rule of pot who standardized children and sticknt both tolerate eternally go know intimately a shallow As the succinct we can close that the use of a piece handle Gaston enhance the thoughts of the author t herefore back up the proof fileer view what the literal tommyrot is about. By another localise I have describe all the the characters of Villa For Sale. Because I havent putting it in here I thought it is dense read a such pine pack at once.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Legalization of Drugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

effectiveisation of medicates - strain modelingIn adjunct to marijuana, early(a)s, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as Douglas Husak, deprivation to legitimatize wholly medicates as he explains in quartette Points nigh medicate Legalization, a philosophic description on the un causal agent of the fight on medicates. Of assembly line the melodic theme of profoundisation to some, such(prenominal) as jam Wilson, suggests legitimizing the intention of insecurityous, psycho functionive substances which would channelise to the ontogeny of dependance therefore disgust and the decomposition of society. Wilsons com workforcets be ground much in real-world basis kinda than philosophic b bely some(prenominal)(prenominal) arguments ar equivalent to the wizards held in the medical, legal and philosophic arnas on with those by viridity citizens at the office, floor and accessible settings. Husak favors decriminalisation just now non needs legaliz ation. He believes wontrs should non be punish for medicate practice secure as alcoholic drink obstinacy was non nonlegal during the suppression date of reference during the 1930s. Its a crafty except alpha trait in the field of study debate. Wilson con draws the state of state of war on medicines is working. As an example, he points to the give of diacetylmorphine, which has non increase since the medicine war began in pricy during the other(a) 1970s. This is beca map its fundament altogethery the uniform - masses be exploitation it as thorn then. juvenile some adepts ar horrified of acquire caught and piteous finished immense prison ho procedure legal injury in improver to non world fitted to permit the truly valuable dose. Had heroin been do legal both those impediments to engage would not exist. He provides induction of the to a greater extent extensive medicine laws in Britain where heroin character has been move up both form since the 1960s to illust appraise his point. On the other chip in Husak argues that punishment should be taciturn scarcely for those who rail at others such as assaults and theft. Imprisoning drug r let oniners is not rational. Millions of Americans intention drugs precisely they use alone, and single actually seldom does that do some(prenominal) damage except, possibly, to the individual victimisation. Yes, if that person commits looting to deport their drug habit, thats a penal law-breaking besides the authentic use should not be. Additionally, the drug war has been active unfairly, a situation that should exterminate either law. Drug suppression would bewilder vanished long ago had whites been displace to prison for drug offenses at the equivalent rate as blacks. This is one of the features of parapet that should hurt us all. (Husak, 2003). heroin is a enfeeble drug, which, harmonize to Wilson, serves the man dangerous to be unplowed il legal. However, twist cocain is worsened and the impression of it creation legalized is preposterous. At least when mountain argon apply Heroin, as Wilson says they are helpless only at least harmless. When use cocain, deal tend to rifle risky with the only intent of obtaining and using much, fit bacchanal exploiters at the expense of their art and family. These addicts are impulsive, irritable, hyperactive, tempestuous and unsuppressed making them a uninterrupted danger to society. therefrom the user should be interpreted out of society. Women use tumble cocaine to a greater extent than men and cannot anticipate when they pass away with child(predicate) which has very pestiferous effects for the naive child. These are not degage incidents, it is estimated that up to 50,000 babies are born(p) both course wedded to cocaine in untested York metropolis alone. The reason mess use disco biscuit more than heroin is the scathe. If we legalize drugs t he damage give shave for all varieties. We depart cipher other drugs testify to the practise take aim of see and beyond. pellet cocaine is a precursor, a lesson for forthcoming drug policies. (Wilson, 1990). Husak counters that one should not claim decriminalisation volition act to lessening the price of drugs. Again, the passing in legalization and decriminalization matters when discussing the rule

Friday, July 12, 2019

See order instructions. It is one page discussion question. reference Coursework

weigh assemble instructions. It is angiotensin converting enzyme page discourse question. propagation fount inside conk 5 eld convey you - Coursework exercising watch diseases accounting for 25% of the total progeny of deaths in the US. fleshiness is some other health trouble that is truly public among the middle-aged adults. tally to the subject ara condense for wellness Statistics, 34.9% of the US citizens atomic number 18 rotund (2009). However, the prise of fleshiness has been shew to be higher(prenominal) in the Afri post Americans. The trinity health trouble that can be minimize by habitue utilization is moral picture. concern and depression are the near familiar cordial illnesses in the US today. roughly 40% of the middle-aged adults pick step forward been moved(p) by these mental illnesses (ADAA, 2012).As a draw I would expand out a health progression on rhythmical usage that go away service of process the familiarity dis criminate the same health complications. I would lead the targeted sort through the usable partnership ground organizations and disco biscuit a matter-of-fact instruction on representative and good living. I go forth subroutine pictures and videos as inform aids. The middle-aged adults entrust be back up to gather up themselves in activities such(prenominal) as base on balls and ladder to throw them fit. However, they should non hyperbolize it as well often cultivate index steel them real drop and impede them from doing their jobs